Monday, February 18, 2008

our house

if you're here looking for pictures of the house we're living in, like i suggested you do in our current update letter, i must apologize. there are obviously no pictures of a house on here. i threw out that idea before i realized that we've misplaced the cord to connect our camera to our computer thus making it impossible to post pics.

we'll continue to search for the elusive cord, but if it permanently escapes us we'll buy a new one. then i'll let ya'll know about the picture situation.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

my attempt at sharing

so for my first entry i will express my usual dislike of sharing (especially to potentially millions of people). not that i'm arrogant enough to believe millions of people will read this. but it's a possibility. at the training matt and i just returned from they strongly suggested, if not presented as a requirment, all new staff start a blog.

so here i am.

the other twist to this "sharing"story is this. in order to go overseas with campus crusade (the company for which we work) we had to take a personality/psychological test of about 800 true/false questions. the results of this test were spot on. the main thing that was brought out about me was that i am unable to express my inner world.


at first i was understandably confused, but since then i've been praying. the Lord has provided opportunities for me to share. some i've taken, some i haven't. but i'm starting to learn what my inner world is, and how to share it with others. so hopefully this blog will help me to grow in this area that i'm apparently deficient in. if you have any suggestions, i'm listening!